Episode 4:The Process is the Shortcut


Guest: Jeff Moore
Topic: Preeminence


  • Fall in love with the process

  • Do what moves the needle

  • Put in the work

  • Record your progress


EP4: The Process is the Shortcut

“Success, and success in life for him is the process...he defines success after he finishes the process. It’s a function of the process, not a function of the destination.”

Much of the rhetoric surrounding goal achievement has to do with “shortcuts” promising fast results with minimal effort. Preeminence, on the other hand, involves falling in love with the process – not the expectation of a certain result.

Those who stay focused on the end goal or the idea of a desired result will find themselves unhappy for every day that they aren’t at that point. They become vulnerable to giving up when things go wrong on the journey. A person who falls in love with the process gets to fully enjoy each and every day that they are working towards their goal, because they’re loving the steps and loving where they lead.

After all, the process is the shortcut – and you can’t win a race you don’t want to be in.

“You cannot be running as fast as you can if you’re staring at the finish line. You do not get to choose if the bases are loaded when you come up to bat. Hit the ball.”

That’s an overwhelming concept at the start (for a lot of people). Nic Peterson is a prime example of loving the process and engineering it in a way that works, like so:

·         Figure out what moves the needle – Part of avoiding stress as you figure your process out is isolating the few behaviors that keep your trajectory moving steadily upward.

·         Do those things every day – This is every bit as simple as it sounds. Pick the two or three most beneficial factors for your journey and do them steadfastly every single day.

·         Put the work in long-term – Like all worthwhile things, getting to your goal means showing up and putting in the work every day for as long as it takes, be it weeks, months, or years.

·         Don’t crash and burn when you slip up – Failure is part of success. All you can do is look at whether or not you did the few things you set out to do, and if you didn’t, wake up tomorrow and do better.

“If you’re still in a place of judgment, judge your own behavior. That is the only thing you have any right to judge if you want to achieve anything.”

Finally, record the progress you’re making. This allows you to look back and see yourself moving positively forward, analyze your wins and losses, and constantly improve.

There’s truly no better way to phrase all this advice (or make it actionable) than to say, “The process is the shortcut”. Fall in love with the process, commit to it like you would any other relationship, and put in the work. You’ll get there.

Some Topics we talk about in this episode:

  • Introduction - 0:00

  • Falling in love with the process - 0:25

  • Prime example - 4:00

  • Engineer the process - 8:10

  • Love your goal - 12:00

  • Put in the work - 17:00

  • Recap and charting progress - 20:00

  • Wrap-up and Takeaways - 30:00

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